One question we get asked frequently is how maintenance works with CIMCO Software products. The best way to think of the maintenance cost of your software is as an entitlement to receive all software updates for the duration of the term. It doesn’t matter if the updates are just that, an incremental update of an existing version or a completely new version of the software; a user with valid maintenance can always install the new version of the software with their existing license. Right now as of the writing of this article, the current version of CIMCO Software (DNC Max, Editor, MDC, etc) is 7.0048. If you have valid maintenance and an incremental version 7.0049 or completely new version 8 where released, you would be able to download and install the software.

Via Bill Abbott – Creative Commons
Reasons to keep CIMCO Software maintenance active
CIMCO does very active development of their products, that means that the products are improving all the time. Maintenance generates the resources to hire and maintain a strong development team to keep this process going. Products that are evolving quickly will be much more useful to you than those that are stagnant and lacking incremental changes and improvements. In fact one of the common reasons why customers call us to inquire about CIMCO is due to their current DNC Communications or NC Editor being out of date or not supporting the latest operating systems. So in effect, when you purchase maintenance you are helping to keep the product up to date and improving. We are always very happy to take and pass along product feature requests or bug reports on to the developer team at CIMCO, we appreciate our customers helping to make the products better. Having valid maintenance makes our job of supporting you much easier also. This is due largely to the fact that when an issue comes up we can always download the latest build and see if that issue is resolved, which is often the case.
Why you might need a service agreement
In many cases we offer our customers a services agreement in addition to the software maintenance. This does not mean that we do not provide support to all of our customers, because we pride ourselves on providing support to our customers. What it means is that our customers with valid service agreements get special benefits such as faster response times and hands on assistance with upgrades. Some of our customers require an SLA or Service Level Agreement with any plant/mission critical systems. In these cases we customize a program to meet or exceed the requirements. You can learn more on our Services page.
What does CIMCO Maintenance Cost?
Typically CIMCO Software maintenance runs about 10% of the cost of your software, per year. Normally one year is included but it is clearly spelled out on all quotes and invoices from Managed Solutions.
Do you have questions? Let us know, we’re here as your resource.