If you have not visited our site recently, you might notice some big changes here. You will find a walk through the history of what led to these changes on the about page. The short version is that effective October 2013 we have stopped taking on new IT Customers to focus on expanding our CIMCO product sales and services to CNC Manufacturers.
What Does This Mean for Our IT Customers?
It means that thanks to your support over the years, we are able to make this transition without impacting the IT services that we provide to you at all. You are like family, having worked together with us for 10, or even 15+ years. You shouldn’t notice any difference now, 6 months from now or 5 years from now. Our commitment to you is unchanged.
What About the IT Based Content?
We have several hundred pieces of content related to Information Technology and they have a new home, right on Joe’s Blog. So if you have no interest in the new focus here, you can follow that blog and still access all the existing content.
Image credit: Mark Hunter, Creative Commons
What Information Are You After?
Now that you know what our focus is, what kind of content would you like to see? We welcome your recommendations via the comments below or directly via contact.
[…] vicariously in this world through my customers, I had caught the bug that led to the decision to emphasize working with manufacturing. Last week I read a story about a talented young woman who had an art background that had become […]
[…] how I was shifting focus, I did not abandon the IT business but I stopped growing it to emphasize a growing segment of my business. The emphasis would pave the way for more flexibility in my schedule. This effort […]
[…] year while transforming my businessĀ it became evident I was missing out on opportunities. Imagine having dozens of […]