You may have heard that there is a controversy brewing over one of Walmart’s recent commercials advocating on-shoring of jobs and manufacturing. Overall the idea that they are investing $250 billion in American Manufacturing over the next 10 years is a good thing. However there is a problem with the commercial, but itās not what you might think. It has nothing to do with Walmartās position on organized labor or with Mike Roweās response to his critics. It has to do with the image of the manufacturing industry in the United States of America.
The Dirty Truth
The image in the video was of dark, dank, dirty, gritty factories. Even when they turned on the lights and added people you saw little more than torches and conveyor belts. The truth is that modern manufacturing represents a very different image and for the most part a much more high tech version. The machinery in newer plants is nothing short of a technological marvel, with a number of incredible new innovative devices and automation systems. Even far down the supply chain in small job shops you will see technologically advanced equipment such as CNC machining centers and world class automation software. The jobs are also much more technical and often require advanced skills and training.

An old antiquated image of US Manufacturing

A modern manufacturing facility – SpaceX.
SpaceX Factory Image is fromĀ Nasonurb, Creative Commons Licensed.
Recovering the Image – Are you in?
Since many of these amazing plants are owned by our customers, we consider advocacy for on-shoring and a proper image of the industry to be paramount. We will be show-casing these forward looking businesses right here on this blog, in an effort to show the world that manufacturing in the USA is a very technical business and that our capabilities are second to none.
Interested in being featured on our blog? Call Joe Hackman at 925-272-0384 or use our contact form.
Dec Tool has been in business since 1982 and has gone from a 1,500 square foot to 14,000 square foot today. With 8 wire EDM machines and 4 CNC mills and 1 CNC lathe we build dies for all industries and customers. From the big players; Borg Warner, Heat Craft, Cosma (magna mfg) to the smaller family owned but well needed companies like Hu-Friedy , The McGregor Metalworking Group. Dec Tool Build die for around 50 different customers in all industries in over 18 states and into Mexico. We have tried very hard to keep up with the times but… Read more »
Hi Jeff,
You make a great point about the lack of rise in wages. It is a challenge that every business faces and I think the key is always looking forward, learning and improving. I will definitely be continuing to act as an advocate!
[…] the people building amazing stuff really know how cool it is. Lack of awareness coupled with the image portrayed of manufacturing being poor at best, does present a worthy challenge to attracting talent. However the truth is the […]
[…] say Manufacturing in the US has an image problem is putting it lightly. Even Walmart’s attempt to rally support for their commitment to US Manufacturing portrayed factories as dingy, dirty, grit encrusted […]
[…] let’sĀ give the public the real image that manufacturing in the USA […]