Automation - More than Robots When people think of automation, they tend to think of things like the automotive assembly lines you see on Television. The ones that have the big arms that are swinging car doors around at top speed. While this is absolutely true, I want to focus on the opposite side of the coin. Today I would like to share a practical example of how we can … [Read more...]
Quick Tip: Adding new File Types to CIMCO Editor
Recently, I had a customer contact me about an issue they were having with files with the extension .eia and CIMCO Editor. Their CAM software was outputting the file as .eia but CIMCO Editor was saving it with a .nc extension tacked on the end. It's actually very easy to add additional formats to CIMCO Editor, including .eia or anything else, so that you can retain the file … [Read more...]
Reference: Common G-Code Extensions
Here is a list of machine tool types and the typical g-code file extensions for them. We'll be referring to this resource in future articles related to CIMCO Editor. Machine Extension1 Extension2 Extension3 Anlam *.m Apt .apt Acramatic *.nc Apex *.cnc Axyz *.nc Beisse … [Read more...]