The Covid-19 situation is terrible in so many ways. The loss of life, freedom, and the incredible amount of debt being accrued to name a few. One positive thing about it, however, is that awareness has sharply risen on the importance of having local manufacturing and supply chains. This represents a historic opportunity to re-align some of our national priorities around … [Read more...]
Manufacturing Led Workforce Development is Key to Resolving Skills Gap Crisis
It is a great, but terrifying time to be a manufacturer in the United States. New manufacturing plants are popping up and existing manufacturers are pushing their capacity to the limit. The big issue that remains however, is the skills gap. Retiring baby boomers are vacating skilled manufacturing jobs. To complicate matters our culture tends to emphasize academics more than job … [Read more...]
Manufacturing Is #MFGis
Today as I am writing this, it is the morning of Manufacturing Day, October 7th 2016. My personal reaction to this day, which is described by MFGDAY as: MFG DAY addresses common misperceptions about manufacturing by giving manufacturers an opportunity to open their doors and show, in a coordinated effort, what manufacturing is — and what it isn’t. By working together during … [Read more...]
Beyond the Shop Floor: Manufacturing Advocates Podcast
One thing you will quickly discover if you get to know people in the manufacturing industry is how busy they are. I guess it should be no surprise that they stalwarts of their local communities in terms of jobs and direct economic output. How so? We'll address that shortly. People in the industry seem to juggle so many balls that they are unable to participate in things like … [Read more...]