It's been a while since we've published a quick tip here on the Managed Solutions blog. If you use or sell CIMCO Software, there are a few things that should be on your radar. There are opportunities to network with other users and ask questions. Find trade shows where CIMCO will be exhibiting. Or get some self guided help installing or configuring the software. CIMCO User … [Read more...]
10 Ways to Eliminate Waste in Advanced Manufacturing using CIMCO Software
What is the ultimate result of improving efficiency in advanced manufacturing? The products coming out the door are of expected quality, in needed quantities, produced when needed, and margins are improved. Customers, stake holders, share holders and employees are all benefactors. This boils down to a competitive edge, a business that will survive through good and bad times, a … [Read more...]
CIMCO is Not Just a Great Editor
We have a problem, many of our customers know the CIMCO product because of it's prolific Editor. Don't get me wrong, it's great to be a re-seller of the top NC Editor on the market. The product sells itself and many people who contact us are ready to hand over some of their hard earned cash without asking a single question. They already know that the backplot feature will help … [Read more...]
CIMCO Version 8 License Management
Recently we shared the news that CIMCO is working on the release of version 8. We even shared a sneak peak of CIMCO Editor V8. Today we're going to take a look at the license file enhancements and management using the license file viewer. Convenient License Management via CIMCO License File Viewer In the brand new License File Viewer you will be able to manage all aspects of … [Read more...]