We're going to have fun today with two completely diverse topics. One of them will make the manufacturing industry better and the other could make your wallet lighter. Are you ready? Data Collection Standards - Siemens names TechSolve as Solution Partner for MTConnect The Dune Buggy that Can Fly - SkyRunner Data Collection Standards - Siemens Names TechSolve as … [Read more...]
Planning Your Machine Data Collection Install
The modern manufacturer seeks ways to improve all aspects of production. Many have turned to Machine Data Collection (MDC) to provide deeper insights into what is occurring on the shop floor. Implementing MDC can be challenging, however, considering the age, make and type of CNC machines utilized. This guide will help you plan ahead for an MDC installation and start to consider … [Read more...]
Real World Reasons to Implement Machine Data Collection
There is a myth that a Machine Data Collection (MDC) solution only benefits management. The truth is that it helps everyone, not just those in the back office crunching the numbers. You might be thinking: “I would like to install MDC-Max but I know there will be resistance from the shop floor.” Many shop floor staff are suspicious of monitoring systems as they see it as “big … [Read more...]
CIMCO DNC and MDC Clients go Mobile
This is an old article, you can get the latest information here: CIMCO DNC-Max Web Client CIMCO MDC-Max Web Client Manufacturing has become a very distributed global enterprise, many of the world's top producers have facilities all around the globe. This creates unique problems for these complex supply chains. Representing a software company with a very large global … [Read more...]
Case Study: CIMCO MDC and DNC Solution
In this case story we will look at a complete MDC and DNC solution installed recently at one of our customers. This case is a great example of how MDC is used to help optimize production processes and how DNC enables data communication on the shop floor. Our customer's manufacturing facility hosts four Hessapp machines and five Okuma machines setup to work as production … [Read more...]
Using an Android Tablet with CIMCO MDC-Max
Update 9/2013 This approach has been made obsolete by the CIMCO MDC Web Client. If you want to have an Android specific application, please read on, however the web MDC client is extremely functional and this is no longer a necessary application. Original Article Tablet devices have become a much more viable alternative for many roles handled traditionally by touch screen … [Read more...]