Managed Solutions started out as a IT Services company in the late 1990s. Much like today, the late 90s to early 2000s were time of great change with new technologies frequently upsetting the old way of doing business. "Growing up" around this environment has shaped our business philosophy to be practical, adaptive and creative. Today, we are tasked with helping many forward … [Read more...]
A Historic Opportunity for US Manufacturing
The Covid-19 situation is terrible in so many ways. The loss of life, freedom, and the incredible amount of debt being accrued to name a few. One positive thing about it, however, is that awareness has sharply risen on the importance of having local manufacturing and supply chains. This represents a historic opportunity to re-align some of our national priorities around … [Read more...]
Traceability Using CIMCO Software
One way to help digitally transform manufacturing companies is to implement enhanced traceability. This can be useful to ensure that required tolerances and procedures have been followed, as well as provide additional data related to the manufacture of a given component or product. For example a company may need to provide documentation to show that a part was within all … [Read more...]
CIMCO MDC Andon Solution
Have you thought about Implementing an Andon station on your shop floor? Do you have CIMCO MDC-Max running in your shop already? If you answered yes to either of these questions then it is easier to deploy than you think. What is Andon? Before we look at how, let's take a brief look at what Andon means in manufacturing. Wikipedia defines Andon as: A manufacturing term … [Read more...]
Five Methods to Measure Your Hidden Factory
Recently, we shared some inspiration provided by some up and coming engineers we've had the opportunity to work with. Part of this inspiration was their ability to think bigger, be more creative and make incremental improvements to a project providing much better results for their employers dollars invested. This big picture thinking drew out some thoughts about the process a … [Read more...]
Thinking Big and Planning Small
As many baby boomers retire from manufacturing jobs, it is inevitable that younger people must come in and fill the ranks. At a recent event by SME and SVMI, Chico State Alumni and current SME Sac Valley Treasurer, Ryan Greenehagen, was sharing his goal of building a bridge between the Chico State Manufacturing Engineering program and employers in the Sacramento area. As he put … [Read more...]