It's been a while since we've published a quick tip here on the Managed Solutions blog. If you use or sell CIMCO Software, there are a few things that should be on your radar. There are opportunities to network with other users and ask questions. Find trade shows where CIMCO will be exhibiting. Or get some self guided help installing or configuring the software. CIMCO User … [Read more...]
The Plea for SSD
Mechanical hard disks have reached some great heights in terms of both performance and storage. They are great when you require low cost and large quantities of space. They are very inferior though, when compared to Solid State Drives, or SSD's. In fact Storage Review noted a couple of really important differences in their article SSD vs. Hdd: SSD boot time is 20-30 … [Read more...]
CIMCO Software Troubleshooting Tips
"Hello, IT. Have you tried turning it off and on again?" - Roy Trenneman Fixing a software issue isn't always as easy as just restarting a computer. That is a great way to temporarily fix some problems such as a memory leak or a random one time issue. In the real world your issues are likely to be more involved, so we've compiled a few of our favorite tips and most common … [Read more...]
CIMCO MDM – Professional Manufacturing Data Management
CIMCO PDM is now known as CIMCO MDM or Manufacturing Data Management to reflect the significant improvements and capability enhancements to the platform. CIMCO MDM is a paperless manufacturing system that helps you securely store and manage your production related materials including CAD/CAM files, CNC Programs, tool lists, quality control documents, images, setup sheets and … [Read more...]